Folklig Idrott (Folk-athletic games)

Zürich: Edition Patrick Frey, 2016.
ISBN: 9783906803029
Condition: Fine
800 copies
First printing

Maximilian Stejskal, an ethnologist and gymnastics teacher from Helsinki, spent his summers throughout the 1930s biking across southern and eastern Finland and parts of Estonia documenting the remnants of the “Folk-athletic games”: outdoor games held amongst the male farming population dating back to at least the 16th century that include the little known pastimes of "Kissing the godfather", "Taking the penny from the table" and "Pulling a bear’s hair”.  A wonderfully eccentric collection, beautifully rendered by the Swiss publisher Patrick Frey. Item #16761

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Folklig Idrott (Folk-athletic games). Maximilian Stejskal.