
Blue Period / Last Summer: Arakinema by Nobuyoshi Araki featured in Ravelin Magazine

Friday March 2, 2018

by Robert Dunn

Nobuyoshi Araki doesn’t need me to write about him. He probably doesn’t need anybody to write about him at this point, five hundred or so books in (or is it five thousand?), and a long, serpentine, impressive career behind him (with, one hopes, much more to come). I mean, what is there to say anyway? That he did breakthrough work back in the early ’70s, discovering along with Daido Moriyama just how exhilirating a bunch of blurry photos reproduced on a crappy Xerox machine could be. That in the ’80s he became a rapscallion celebrity photographer, especially in the...

Mao Ishikawa, Red Flower, The Women of Okinawa featured in Liberation as one of the best 10 books of the year

Thursday December 28, 2017

By Clementine Mercier

"En 1974, la photographe Mao Ishikawa, après avoir étudié auprès de Shomei Tomatsu, rentre à Okinawa, l’île où elle a grandi. Elle a 22 ans et travaille dans un bar du quartier noir de Koza pour photographier les GI. Rendue aux Japonais en 1972, Okinawa a été occupée par les troupes américaines après la guerre et les soldats y ont implanté bars et fast-food : dans l’armée comme dans les loisirs, la ségrégation sévit puisque certains établissements et quartiers sont réservés aux soldats noirs. Leur aura d’occupants n’empêche en rien les Japonaises d’Okinawa de tomber folles amoureuses des GI, ce...

Blue Period / Last Summer: Arakinema by Nobuyoshi Araki featured in I-D

Thursday November 23, 2017

By Paige Silveria

Japanese photographer Nobuyoshi Araki is famous for his striking black-and-white photos of naked women (often artfully tied up with rope). But his latest book, Blue Period, Last Summer, highlights his lesser-known performance work — featuring color-drenched photos of erotica as well as garbage-strewn Tokyo city streets and dreamy skylines...