
Preston is my Paris 2009-2019 featured in Creative Review

Thursday October 31, 2019

By Megan Williams

"The north of England has long captured the fascination of the wider nation and beyond. Liverpool and Manchester are both heralded as cultural epicentres, having collectively spawned some of music’s most iconic bands and left a lasting impression on club culture. Meanwhile, photographers, filmmakers and fashion designers from the past and present have been inspired by, and have in turn inspired, the image of the north.

However, Preston – a relatively young city, having only been awarded city status in 2002 – has often escaped the attention afforded to its neighbours. That’s not to say it’s undeserving...

Gucci Wooster bookstore curated by Dashwood Books

Tuesday October 22, 2019

Recalling the spirit of New York’s small independent bookstores, the Gucci Wooster Bookstore speaks to the truly literary souls of today. Among the carefully-selected 2000 titles curated by Dashwood Books founder David Strettell, are contemporary, used and rare books on fashion and lifestyle, youth culture, art, interiors and architecture, illustration, design, and photography. The shelves also feature works by many talents who have collaborated with the House, including Petra Collins, Ari Marcopoulos, Ryan McGinley, Martin Parr and Florence Welch. The bookstore further defines Gucci Wooster's presence as a cultural gathering space, to host book signings and related cultural events for...

Preston is my Paris 2009-2019 featured in FACE

Tuesday October 15, 2019

TJ Sidhu

"Nestled just to the left of Blackburn in Lancashire, Preston only gained city status in 2002. With a population of approximately 141,346, it’s tiny and generally isn’t considered one of the UK’s great cultural hubs unlike it’s friendly Northern neighbour Manchester, but that’s not to say it isn’t thriving.

Historically a boomtown of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, the city experienced a financial crash in 2011 when Preston’s The Tithebarn – a city centre regeneration initiative with a £700mil investment behind it – was abandoned when its main anchor John Lewis pulled out. Job opportunities became non-existent, and a gaping hole was left in the place of Preston’s...

Phytophile by Bela Borsodi featured in Another Man

Thursday August 8, 2019

Text by Gemma Padley

"There is a series of photographs on Bela Borsodi’s website that shows a model lovingly clutching and caressing items such as a handbag and boot in all manner of sensual bordering on erotic ways. Replace the accessories with a plant, switch the images to black and white and you’ll begin to understand the thinking behind the Austrian-born photographer’s latest series, Phytophile (literally ‘a lover of plants’), recently published as a zine by Dashwood Books."...

Katsu Naito Special Edition featured in VOSTOK

Friday July 26, 2019

By Miwa Susuda

 "1983年に日本の飲食会社の駐在員としてアメリカに赴任後、写真家へ転身したユニークなバックグランドを持つ日本人作家の写真集です。本作は、今やおしゃれなファッション・ブティックやレストラン、アップルストアが立ち並び、ニューヨーカーはのみならず多くの観光客で賑わう、ミートパッキング・エリアにたむろする売春婦を1990年代初頭に撮影したものです。90年代のこの地区は、人気が少なくかなり危険な雰囲気であったといいます。実は『West Side Rendezvous』は、処女作として、すでに2011年に「WILD LIFE PRESS」より刊行されましたが、前作が男娼のみを収めた写真集であるのに対し、本作は未発表の売春婦のみを含めた写真集として多くの注目が集まっています。聞くに忍びないほど悲惨な過去を持ち、他人を簡単には信用しない娼婦たちとコミュニケーションを図りながらの撮影は想像を絶するほど難しかったと内藤は語ります。その上、特に内藤がこだわったのは、通りに佇む姿だけでなく、裸のポートレイトであったため、撮影は困難を極め、スムーズに運ぶことなどありえませんでした。体を売ることを商売にするとは、まさに裸である彼女たちを捉えなければ、そのひとの全てを捉えられないと感じた内藤は、2年の歳月をかけて遂行していきました。内藤が写真家として身を固めることに決心した背景には、日本からの雑誌社のコーディネイターとして89年から働いていた際の経験が大きいと振り返ります。日本からのトップクラスの写真家の仕事を目の当たりにして写真家になることの意思を固めたのは、写真家・上田義彦、蓮井幹生や高梨豊の妥協なきこだわりと、集中力に圧巻されたためでした。肌の色も育ちもまったく違う娼婦を前に、果敢にカメラを握る内藤を支えたのは、日本の大作家たちの魂だったに違いないでしょう。"

Phytophile by Bela Borsodi featured in Collector Daily

Friday July 19, 2019

By Olga Yatskevich

The Austrian photographer Bela Borsodi grew up in a family of artists, and he naturally absorbed their creativity and artistic sensibility, which had an impact on his own life path. He came to New York in the early 1990s, ended up staying, and has made a successful career in fashion photography, creating still lifes that playfully challenge our perception. His images cleverly bring together reality and imagination, often incorporating optical illusions and constantly exploring and posing questions. Borsodi often builds the sets for his photo shoots from scratch, saying that they are “an integral part of his imagery and conceptual process.”...

Paige Powell featured in Interview Magazine

Tuesday April 23, 2019

By Sarah Nechamkin

"Once upon a time, in the disco ball-refracted distant past of 1980, a girl from Oregon headed to New York City with dreams of bumping elbows with Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Her wish came true — and with flying colors. She would soon become an advertising associate and later, an associate publisher, of Interview Magazine, then under Warhol’s watchful, and always sardonic, eye."...